WCP: Alvimopan is Well Tolerated and Effective for Reversal of Opioid-Induced Bowel Dysfunction

— Alvimopan, at doses of 1.5 mg and higher, is effective in reversing opioid-induced bowel dysfunction, according to a forced titration, dose-ranging study.

The findings were presented here August 19th at the 10th World Congress on Pain (WCP).

Daniel T. Kennedy, MD, and colleagues from the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, United States, recruited 26 subjects who met predetermined criteria for opioid-induced constipation. Of these, 17 were randomised to receive a single daily dose of alvimopan for four consecutive days and nine were randomised to daily placebo. — Alvimopan, at doses of 1.5 mg and higher, is effective in reversing opioid-induced bowel dysfunction, according to a forced titration, dose-ranging study. The findings were presented here August 19th at the 10th World Congress on Pain (WCP). Daniel T. Kennedy, MD, and colleagues from the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, United States, recruited 26 subjects who met predetermined criteria for opioid-induced constipation. Of these, 17 were randomised to receive a single daily dose of alvimopan for four consecutive days and nine were randomised to daily placebo.

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