Progesterone Receptor in Breast Tumor More Prognostic Than Estrogen Receptor

– When nodal status, age and menopausal status, and length of follow-up are considered, progesterone receptor (PR) positivity in patients with primary breast cancer is usually a better predictor of survival than estrogen receptor (ER) positivity, according to the results of a German study.

 Although the prognostic value of ER and PR has been have investigated for some 20 years, few studies have considered the influence of other factors , Dr. Serban D. Costa and colleagues note in the July issue of the European Journal of Cancer. Furthermore, the definition of receptor positivity is still being debated.

Therefore, Dr. Costa, of the University of Frankfurt, and his team analyzed the records of 670 breast cancer patients who were treated at a single center. ER and PR content had been determined in the primary tumor by the dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) assay. The researchers conducted each of their statistical analyses using three definitions of ER and PR positivity: 10, 20, and 100 fmol/mg protein.

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