Postmenopausal Bone Loss High in Women Treated With A GnRH Agonist And Tibolone

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 29 –

Women with uterine fibroids treated with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) and tibolone before menopause experience significant loss of bone mineral density (BMD) after menopause, Italian researchers report.

Dr. Stefano Palomba from the University of Catanzaro, and colleagues studied 120 premenopausal women, > 52 years of age, who had symptomatic uterine leiomyomas. Fifty-five women were treated with a combination of GnRH-a and tibolone and 54 underwent hysterectomy plus bilateral oophorectomy. The outcomes of the women were compared with 40 healthy controls.


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