Sleep Disordered Breathing Is Prevalent in Men With Hypertension

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 19 –

Results of a study published in the July issue of Thorax suggest an association between sleep disordered breathing and hypertension.

 In a case-control, overnight sleep study including 102 hypertensive men and 102 matched controls, Dr. Eva Lindberg and colleagues from Uppsala University, in Sweden, examined whether sleep disordered breathing was independently associated with hypertension.

 If an association existed, they sought to assess whether the effect was age-dependent. “Hypertensive subjects had a significantly higher prevalence of sleep disordered breathing than non-hypertensive subjects (apnea-hypopnea index [AHI]: 10.8 versus 7.3; desaturation index [DI]: 8.5 versus 5.2; AHI at or above 10: 37% versus 24%, p<0.05); DI at or above 10: 29% versus 12%; lowest desaturation: mean 81.9 versus 84.7, p<0.01,” the researchers report.

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