Mammographic Breast Cancer Detection Ups Survival in Women From Age 65 to 85

Among older women, detection of breast tumors by mammography significantly improves survival, even among those with mild comorbidities. However, for women with severe or multiple comorbidities, overall survival is not improved, according to the results of a population-based study.

Dr. Martin W. Lee and colleagues from the Park Nicollet Institute, Minneapolis, collected data on 5186 women with invasive breast cancer, 65 to 101 years of age. These data were obtained from The Upper Midwest Oncology Registry System, which covers Minnesota, North and South Dakota.

As reported in the June issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, across all age groups women who had mammographically detected breast cancer and no comorbidity had significantly lower relative risk of death compared to women with clinically detected disease, the researchers found.

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