Light Drinking Offers Atherosclerosis Protection In Type 2 Diabetes

Light drinking appears to have preventive effects on atherosclerosis among type 2 diabetic patients. These effects do not exist with heavy drinking, however.

 This has been found among a cohort of 194 patients with type 2 diabetes who were assessed by clinicians at the Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Yamagata University, Yamagate, Japan. Investigators recorded their alcohol consumption, as well as known possible atherosclerotic risks factors.

 Their degree of atherosclerotic progression was evaluated using aortic pulse wave velocity (a-PWV). The cohort was divided into three categories depending on their average weekly consumption of alcohol: non-drinkers, and light drinkers (ethanol consumption of less than 210 g/week), and heavy drinkers (ethanol consumption more than 210 g/week).

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