With Maternal ART, Peripartum Nevirapine Does Not Lower HIV Transmission Risk Further

In HIV-infected pregnant women receiving prenatal care and standard antiretroviral therapy (ART) with elective cesarean section available, the risk of HIV transmission is low and there is no demonstrable benefit of adding intrapartum/newborn nevirapine therapy.

This finding, from the International Pediatric ACTG 316 Team, is reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association for July 10th. “Based on studies conducted in women who breastfeed their infants and are on no other antiretroviral therapy, it was anticipated that the two-dose intrapartum/newborn nevirapine regimen would provide an additional benefit in interrupting perinatal HIV transmission,” Dr. Coleen K. Cunningham told Reuters Health. But that was not the case.

 In the study, the researchers treated 1270 nonbreastfeeding women receiving ART with 200-mg oral nevirapine or placebo after the onset of labor. Their newborns received 2-mg/kg oral nevirapine 48 to 72 hours after birth.

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