Hepatitis G Adds No Anti-Liver Action To Hepatitis C In Coinfected


Anne MacLennan

 Liver histology adds weight to growing evidence that in people co-infected with hepatitis C virus, hepatitis G is not pathogenic and does not induce a more aggressive liver disease.

High prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and related morbidity is well documented.

For the more recently described hepatitis G virus (HGV), however, there is little evidence of related morbidity and many questions about its etiologic role in liver disease.

Although co-infection by HCV and HGV has been studied in a wide range of conditions and in different ways, histopathological variables have rarely been analysed. Because prevalence of HGV is high in Brazilian blood donors, and HCV infection is usually mild in these asymptomatic patients, these researchers reasoned this was an interesting group in which to investigate a possible synergism of these viruses in producing liver damage.

Forty-six blood donors with hepatitis C were investigated for HGV RNA in this study from the Divisao de Anatomia Patologica da FMUSP and LIM 14, Sao Paulo, Brasil; Centro de Tecnologia en Salud Publica, Universidade Nacional de Rosario, Argentina; and Fundacao Pro-Sangue Hemocentro de Sao Paulo.

 In seven of the 46 patients, HGV-RNA was detected, for a prevalence of HGV/HCV co-infection of 15.2 percent. Liver biopsy was indicated and done in 22 patients. Six of them had HGV/HCV co-infection, and 16 had HCV isolated infection.

As well as staging and grading of inflammation at portal, peri-portal and lobular areas (Brazilian Consensus), Edna Strauss and colleagues calculated the fibrosis progression index in both groups, i.e. those with HGV/HCV co-infection and those with HCV isolated infection.

Although none of the patients had symptoms or signs of liver disease, most had mild liver disease.

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