Arthroscopic Revision Bankart Repair Can Produce Good Outcome

Arthroscopic revision Bankart surgery using suture anchors can provide satisfactory outcomes in patients with recurrent instability after primary Bankart repair, provided they are carefully chosen.

These outcomes include a low recurrence rate and reliable functional return, report specialists in Seoul, Korea.

Noting that the clinical outcome of revision surgery for the failed Bankart repair was not well known, the specialists prospectively analysed a series of 23 patients with recurrent instability revised arthroscopically with a suture-anchor technique after primary Bankart repair

. The patients (m=21, f=2) were aged 17-34 years and were followed up for 24-52 months. Eight patients had previously received an open Bankart repair and 15, an arthroscopic repair. Revision surgery included repair of the anterior labrum using suture anchors and non-absorbable sutures, capsular plication and proximal shift of the inferior capsule with or without closure of the rotator interval.

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