ESC: Meta-analysis of Research on Dipyridamole for Prevention of Stroke and Vascular Events in Patients With Vascular Disease

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — June 3, 2002 —

 Dipyridamole cannot yet be said to be better than aspirin in preventing secondary vascular events after cerebral ischaemia.

Researchers presented findings of a meta-analysis at the European Stroke Conference (ESC) here. “The most important implication of this study is that it indicates that we are not yet sure that the addition of dipyridamole is more effective than just giving aspirin alone for prevention of secondary vascular events after cerebral ischaemia from arterial origin,” said lead investigator E. De Schryver, MD, clinical researcher at University Hospital, University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

The investigators gathered and studied data from randomized trials with concealed treatment allocation in patients with a non-embolic arterial vascular disease.

 Treatment in all of the trials was dipyridamole used with or without other antiplatelet drugs, as compared to placebo or an antiplatelet drug or drugs other than dipyridamole. Patients enrolled in clinical trials after nondisabling cerebral ischaemia have an annual risk of vascular events (defined as death from all vascular causes, nonfatal stroke, or nonfatal myocardial

infarction) of four-11 percent.

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