Patients Who First Note Stroke Symptoms Upon Awakening Most Often Have Lacunar Strokes

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — June 3, 2002 —

In patients who first notice their stroke symptoms upon awakening, lacunar stroke is the most prevalent stroke diagnosis, researchers reported here Saturday at the European Stroke Conference (ESC).

 People who have a morning stroke, however, have a low risk of having an intracerebral haemorrhage, the researchers found.

 Based on previous studies, which described a circadian pattern of stroke onset for the different stroke subtypes, researchers from the hospital of the Athens University School of Medicine in Greece examined the etiology of stroke in patients who had first noticed their symptoms on awakening.

 Led by K. Spengos, MD, professor of neurology, they tracked a consecutive cohort of 1253 patients diagnosed and admitted for strokes at their institution, classifying each stroke diagnosis with the criteria of the Athens Stroke Registry. 

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