Patients With Severe Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Offered New Hope

TORONTO, ON — May 30, 2002 —

Today, a new treatment advance offers hope for patients with severe congestive heart failure (CHF).

 Coreg® (carvedilol) is now approved by Health Canada to treat severe CHF and is the first and only beta-blocker in Canada approved to treat mild, moderate and severe CHF. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, CHF is the most rapidly growing cardiovascular condition in the country, and remains the number one reason for hospitalization of people over the age of 65. “Fifty per cent of heart failure patients are likely to die within three-to-five years of diagnosis,” said Dr. Malcolm Arnold, Director of Research Affairs, Division of Cardiology, London Health Sciences Centre, and Chair of the Canadian Congestive Heart Failure Clinics Network.

 “Coreg has helped transform the treatment of heart failure. This medication will improve the prognosis for many patients, even with severe heart failure. Clinical trials have clearly proven the benefits of Coreg when used to treat mild, moderate and severe heart failure. Coreg slows disease progression, reduces the risk of hospitalization and improves symptoms.”  

Clinical data from the landmark COPERNICUS (CarvedilOl ProspEctive RaNdomIzed

CumUlative Survival) trial, which included more than 2,200 patients with the most severe heart failure yet studied with a beta-blocker, have shown that Coreg reduced the chance of death by 35 per cent in patients with severe heart failure.

These positive clinical trial results prompted the ethical committee to recommend the trial be stopped early and all patients be offered treatment with Coreg. In fact, significant results from clinical trials with carvedilol contributed to the Canadian Cardiovascular Society’s (CCS) decision to update treatment guidelines to now recommend beta-blockers, such as Coreg, as a mainstay of CHF treatment.

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