Alcoholic Cirrhosis Patients At Greater Risk of Malignancy After Transplant

05/27/2002 By Mark Moran

Patients who undergo liver transplantation for alcoholic cirrhosis appear to have an increased risk for developing post-transplantation malignancy, say British researchers.

The overall risk for post-transplant de novo malignancy, however, appears to be low, they say.

All patients undergoing liver transplantation at the King’s College Hospital, London, England, between January 1988 and December 1999 were analyzed retrospectively for the development of de novo malignancy in the post-transplantation period. Records were evaluated for age at diagnosis of malignancy, cause of liver disease, interval from transplantation to diagnosis of malignancy, predisposing factors for the development of cancer, immunosuppression regimen, treatment of malignancy, rejection episodes, and patient


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