ATS: Inhaler Techniques Often Not Taught Correctly

ATLANTA, GA — May 23, 2002 — In a study involving a wide range of health providers, researchers discovered the devices are not always taught correctly to the providers, who in turn, pass on incorrect information to their patients.

 Linda Pearce, a nurse consultant at West Suffolk Hospital in Suffolk, England, presented the findings here Thursday at ATS 2002, the American Thoracic Society’s 98th International Conference.

Inhaled therapy is now the main delivery route for respiratory disease medicines including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and there is a wide range of inhaler devices now being prescribed — all requiring different techniques to deliver optimum inspiratory flow (OIF).

In the study, 206 delegates at various respiratory meetings were interviewed, and asked to inhale through an inspiratory flow meter as if they were demonstrating the optimum technique for each device to achieve OIF.

 Three commonly prescribed devices were tested; a pressurised metered dose inhaler (MDI), Accuhaler/Diskus (AC) and Turbohaler (TH). Subjects included general practitioners (GP), respiratory consultants (RC), paediatricians (PD), practice nurses (PN), respiratory

nurses (RN), paediatric respiratory nurses (PRN).

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