Body Jumping Exercise Augments Bone Mineral Equally In Young Boys of Low and Average Mass

05/21/2002 By David Loshak

 Jumping exercise augments bone mineral accrual at several regions equally in prepubertal boys of average or low body mass index.

 But the effects of jumping exercise on bone mineral on prepubertal boys of high body mass index were undetectable, investigators in Vancouver, Canada, San Luis Potosi, Mexico and Hershey, Pennsylvania, report.

A jumping intervention of 10 minutes three times a week was conducted for seven months. The investigators examined the effects of this intervention on bone mineral gain in 121 prepubertal Asian and white boys with median age of 10.3 years and median weight of 36.0 kg. The boys were randomised to a control group (n = 60) and an intervention group (n = 61).

The two groups had similar mean baseline and changes in height, weight, lean mass and fat mass, baseline areal bone mineral density, bone mineral content, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. They also had similar average physical activity and calcium intakes.

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