Nighttime Dosing with Extended Release Diltiazem Controls Blood Pressure

Special to DG News NEW YORK, NY — May 19, 2002 —

Nighttime dosing with diltiazem hydrochloride extended release (G99) provides effective blood pressure control throughout a 24-hour dosing interval, according to data presented at the 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension (ASH).

The data also show that nighttime dosing with G99 at the same time produces clinically meaningful further blood pressure reductions between 6 am and 12 noon compared to those achieved by the identical dose administered in the morning. Dr. Stephen P. Glasser, of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, United States, and colleagues examined the efficacy and safety of chronotherapeutic G99 at doses of 120 mg, 240 mg, 360 mg, and 540 mg, administered once daily at nighttime (10 PM).

 G99 is an innovative, graded-release formulation of diltiazem that uses a unique dissolution profile, in conjunction with nighttime dosing, to address the body’s typical 24-hour circadian variation in blood pressure, with maximum drug levels achieved between 6 AM and noon.

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