Prilosec (Omeprazole) Plus Calcium Carbonate Decreases Calcium Absorption In Elderly Women

WASHINGTON, DC — May 15, 2002 —

The concomitant use of Prilosec (omeprazole) with calcium carbonate and no food decreases calcium absorption in most elderly women.

 “Of our 18 patients, 16 had decreased fractional calcium absorption and two subjects had increased fractional calcium absorption on omeprazole,” said Dr. Mary Beth O’Connell, PharmD, from University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

She reported findings here Friday at the annual scientific meeting of the American Geriatrics Society in Washington, DC. Calcium carbonate needs an acidic medium for disintegration and digestion.

To determine if acid suppression induced by omeprazole would result in decreased calcium absorption, Dr. O’Connell and colleagues conducted a placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study in 18 women aged 65-89 (76±6.5 years). In the first arm of the study, subjects were randomly selected to receive seven days of the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole or placebo. Beginning one week prior to study day 1, subjects took vitamin D 400 IU/day throughout the study period. Calcium carbonate supplements were held one week before each study day.

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