Pain Of Botulinum A Exotoxin Injections to Treat Forehead Lines can Be Halved

By David Loshak

The pain of treating dynamic forehead lines with botulinum A exotoxin can be reduced significantly if the injections are reconstituted with preservative-containing normal saline (isotonic sodium chloride).

Dermatologists at Chestnut Hill Massachussetts, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachussetts, and Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire, carried out a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial with 35 consecutive adults seeking treatment for upper-face dynamic lines
A retrospective arm of the study evaluated 20 consecutive patients for pain from current treatment with preservative-containing saline compared with pain from the most recent prior treatment with saline that was preservative-free.

In a prospective arm of the study, with 15 patients were treated on one side (left or right) of the face using exotoxin reconstituted with preservative-containing saline and on the other side with exotoxin reconstituted with preservative-free saline.

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