Vitamin A Supplementation Fails to Reduce Vaginal Shedding of HIV

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Apr 17 – Having women take vitamin A supplements does not alter the amount of HIV RNA present in vaginal secretions, according to results of a study conducted in Kenya. Therefore, vitamin A supplementation is not likely to reduce infectivity of HIV-infected women or to prevent transmission of the virus, study researchers note.
Dr. Jared M. Baeten, of the University of Washington in Seattle, and colleagues randomly assigned 176 HIV-infected women ages 18 to 45 years to a 6-week trial of daily vitamin A 10,000 IU, and 178 to placebo. Before starting treatment, 59% of the subjects were classified as deficient in vitamin A, with serum levels <30 g/dL, and 26% as severely deficient with levels <20 g/dL. At baseline and at follow-up approximately 6 weeks later, Dacron swabs were used to collect vaginal secretions. The study results are published in the April 15 issue of The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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