Focused Ultrasound Promising in Localized Prostate Cancer

NEW YORK (MedscapeWire) Mar 28 — High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) looks promising in treatment of localized prostate cancer, according to results of a preliminary trial reported in the March issue of Urology.
"HIFU delivers ultrasound energy with rapid thermal necrosis of tissue in the focal region without damaging the surrounding tissue," write Toyoaki Uchida and colleagues from Kitasato University School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. "Transrectal HIFU may be a useful option for patients with localized prostate cancer. Its long-term efficacy will be determined by additional follow-up and a Phase II trial."

All 20 patients with stage T1b-2N0M0 localized prostate cancer had complete response to a course of 28 HIFU treatments, with no evidence of disease and no elevations of prostate-specific antigen after tumor ablation.

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