Chewable Antacids Better Than Swallowed Tablets For Controlling Heartburn

Chewing antacids is more effective for control of esophageal acidity than swallowing antacid tablets.

Investigators from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Pfizer Consumer Healthcare in Morris Plains, New Jersey, United States, established a model of postprandial acid reflux and used it to assess the effects of different antacid formulations.

The model used to produce acidic gastro-esophageal reflux consisted of a meal of chili, cheese, raw onions and cola.

Twenty subjects were asked to consume this meal, followed one hour later by chewable calcium carbonate tablets, swallowable calcium carbonate tablets, effervescent bicarbonate solution or placebo. Esophageal and gastric pH were assessed eight times in the 5.5 hours following the meal.

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