Polygenic Model Best Predicts Breast Cancer Risk

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Mar 05 – Identification of several genes related to breast cancer susceptibility would provide a better prediction of breast cancer risk than either single-gene or established risk factor models, according to a report in the March 4th advance online paper from Nature Genetics.
"The data we have reported are really intended to be thought provoking, and to provide a counter argument (quantified) to those who have said that genetic susceptibility will have limited impact on disease prevention," Dr. Paul Pharoah from Strangeways Research Laboratories in Cambridge, UK told Reuters Health. "However, until some or all of the 'polygenes' are identified the potential benefit for prevention programs remains theoretical."

Dr. Pharoah and colleagues examined the potential for prediction of breast cancer risk based on common genetic variation and compared this with the predictions that could be made using established risk factors. …

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