Ebola death toll rises to 18 in Gabon, Congo

LIBREVILLE, Gabon (Reuters) – The death toll from an Ebola virus outbreak in the central African countries of Gabon and Congo has risen to 18 and health specialists fear more cases may occur.

The first death from Ebola in a forested region around Mekambo in northern Gabon was reported 2 weeks ago and the virus has since spread to neighboring villages in the Congo Republic.

"As of December 23, 27 confirmed cases, including 18 deaths have been reported. An additional seven suspected cases are under investigation in Gabon," the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement late on Monday. The death toll reported on Friday was 15.

"Currently 203 contacts are under active follow up. We anticipate one or more cases may develop among these contacts," said the UN body.

The virus killed at least 66 people in a 1996 epidemic in an area of Gabon near Mekambo. It was first known to have struck the country in 1994, when it left more than 20 dead.

After the initial Ebola outbreak at the beginning of December, four villages in Gabon were put under quarantine, but not soon enough to stop one infected woman from entering the neighboring Congo Republic.

The WHO said 15 of the 27 cases are in Gabon and another 109 contacts were being followed there. The 12 other cases are all in Congo where another 94 people are being monitored.

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