Infants with recurrent wheeze have altered lung function


WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – Recurrent wheeze in infants is related more to alterations in respiratory tissue mechanics than to airway mechanisms or forced volumes, study results suggest. According to the investigators, the findings support the use of tests that separate lung function into airway and respiratory tissue components.

Dr. Graham L. Hall from the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia, and colleagues there and in Hungary studied 24 asymptomatic infants with recurrent wheeze, 0.48 to 2.63 years of age, and compared them with a group of healthy infants they had studied earlier.

The researchers used low-frequency forced oscillation to measure respiratory system impedance. They also used raised-volume rapid thoracic compression to measure airway and respiratory tissue mechanics. Standard variants (Z scores) were calculated for comparison to the healthy population.

Infants with wheeze had elevated tissue elastance compared with healthy infants (mean Z score 0.61, p = 0.007). However, the wheezy infants did not have elevated airway resistance (p > 0.2), tissue damping (p = 0.066) or forced expiratory volumes (p > 0.2), the researchers report in a recent issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Lung function in infants younger than 1 year of age with recurrent wheeze was not significantly different from that in normal infants. However, among older children lung function was impaired compared with healthy children (mean Z score 0.58).

Dr. Hall and colleagues conclude that "these findings indicate that the pulmonary tissues play a major role in infantile wheeze and argue for using a technique capable of estimating the airway and tissue properties separately."

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