Hormone replacement therapy appears to protect against cataracts

מתוך medicontext.co.il

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – Researchers at the Wilmer Eye Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, report finding a protective effect of hormone replacement therapy on risk of lens opacity in postmenopausal women.

Dr. Sheila K. West and colleagues examined 1239 women between the ages of 65 and 84 in the Salisbury Eye Evaluation project. The investigators asked the women about their use of HRT and history of birth control methods. They assessed the women's risk of cataracts by asking about sunlight exposure, alcohol exposure, smoking and corticosteroid use. Height, weight and body mass index were calculated and lens opacity was measured.

The investigators report, in the November issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology, that there was a protective association between HRT use and nuclear opacity. Current use was associated with an odds ratio of 0.5, and recent HRT use with an odds ratio of 0.4. Use of HRT in the distant past was protective only in women who had never been pregnant.

"Past (OR, 0.2) and current (OR, 0.3) HRT use were associated with a lower prevalence of posterior subcapsular opacity," the team also reports.

Among the biological evidence for estrogen's protective effect is the presence of estrogen receptor messenger RNA in the lens, Dr. West and colleagues note.

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