Cisapride prolongs QT interval in dose-dependent manner

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – Even at relatively low doses, cisapride significantly increases the QT interval, according to researchers in Tainan, Taiwan. In clinical practice, however, this effect does not appear to cause syncope or presyncope.

Dr. S. H. Wang, and colleagues at Chi-Mei Medical Center, prospectively studied the effects of two doses of cisapride–5 mg or 10 mg, taken three times daily–in 75 patients. The use of cisapride was indicated for gastroesophageal reflux, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, diabetic gastroparesis or chronic constipation refractory to laxatives. Patients with disorders or using medications that could affect cardiac conduction were excluded from the study.

The QT interval, as measured by 12-lead ECG, increased significantly from baseline when patients were using either the higher dose of cisapride (13 ms increase, p < 0.001) or the lower dose of cisapride (7 ms increase, p 30 mg/day), longer durations of use (>2 months), and possibly a less select group of patients."

Int J Cardiol 2001;80:179-183.

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